Pre & Post Care Instructions
Pre-Care Instructions
Do not take any aspirin or other blood thinners at least 7 days prior to the procedure to prevent bleeding.
IMPORTANT NOTE: By no means should you discontinue prescription medications that are prescribed by a physician or other medical doctors. If you take certain medications (ex. blood thinners, heart medications, etc.) that you cannot discontinue, a doctors consent will be needed.
If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, I am unable to perform this procedure for you.
Please be advised that if you are trying to become pregnant or become pregnant at any time before your 6 week touch-up, I unfortunately unable to finish your brows for you. In this case, your 6 week touch-up will be forfeited, and you will have to start the process once you are no longer pregnant and or breastfeeding.
Avoid alcohol 48 hours prior to your appointment.
Refrain from working out the day of your appointment.
Please avoid blood thinning medications and or supplements. Examples: Vitamin E, fish oil supplements, aspirin, multi-vitamins, hair skin nail supplements, ibuprofen. (Please read IMPORTANT NOTE if you take prescription blood thinners.)
Discontinue the use of AHA’s/BHA’s , acne fighting or anti-aging products at least one week prior to your appointment.
Facials should be avoided at least 2 weeks prior to your appointment.
Chemical peels, laser treatments, and Botox should be avoided 6 weeks prior to your appointment.
Avoid sun exposure and tanning beds 1 week prior to your appointment. Please be advised that any sunburn around the area of where the service is being preformed, may result in the appointment having to be rescheduled.
Please arrive to your appointment on time. Unfortunately if you are late by 15 minutes, the appointment may have to be rescheduled.
Post Care Instructions
Please be advised that the following recommended aftercare is extremely important to achieve the best results and to protect your investment. If at anytime during your dry healing time, you experience adverse symptoms, please seek medical attention and also notify your artist.
Always start with freshly washed hands.
The night following your procedure, wash nano brows with a gentle cleanser. (Cetaphil is a great choice.) Splash brows with lukewarm water, take a little bit of gentle cleanser, and gently cleanse the brows. Next, grab a freshly clean paper towel and pat dry. Be sure not to rub brows, as they are going to be sensitive.
Wash your brows with cetaphil for the next 7 days.
If you as a client tend to get oily during the day, I recommend you to use blotting papers to ensure an extra dry process.
Try your best to keep sweating to a minimum for the 7 days following your service.
NO cosmetic services for 4 weeks following your procedure. (Facials, Injections, Laser Treatments, Chemical Peels etc.)
Avoid brow make-up for the first 10 days after your appointment. You may fill in during the interim of your 6 week once you are healed.
DO NOT pick, itch, or pull at the brows during the healing time. The area may become a little dry but ultimately most clients experience NO scabbing or flaking. The strokes will heal on their own, please do not encourage them to come out faster. If you have an itch, you can tap, tap, tap around the brow area.
When applying make-up, please be very careful and to avoid the brow area at all costs. It is important to wash your make-up brushes after each session.
Those cherished skin care products that keep us clean, clear and wrinkle free, need to be avoided around the brow area. Think retinols, acids, benzoyl peroxides, prescription topicals, etc.
Glasses wearers of all kinds, yes… need to be wiped with an antibacterial wipe, or alcohol wipe before putting them on post procedure.
Avoid smoke, dust, dirt, and debris.
What to Expect after your Appointment
Well, the obvious. New beautiful brows!
But in reality, you brows will be may be a little bold and dark during the first few days of healing. I do always start out conservatively to ease you into new brows. We can always add at your touch-up! I don’t recommend you get your brows done if you have a vacation or an event coming up. Please plan accordingly around your schedule.
Redness may occur after your service, but usually goes away by the end of the day or following day.
The goal on your first session is to create and get the brows to be perfect as they are meant to be, but by no means are they going to be finished. That is why we have a touch-up in place!
Fading will occur. It’s ok to freak out a little, But trust me, whatever needs some fixing will happen at your 6 week touch-up.
I will say this to every client, trust the process. Once you do, I promise you will be in love with your new brows.